Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spiked Ceramic Pins

Spiked Ceramic Pins
Originally uploaded by jmnpottery
I was completely giddy opening the kiln this morning! I love love love these!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Scale Design!

Originally uploaded by jmnpottery
I love this new design! I started out carving the scales, but the glaze just took away from the carvings, so I made a few of these. I love the way the color just bounces off of the white :)
I just listed a plethora of mugs in my etsy shop.
The mugs with scales are $16.50 for a 12oZ.

Small Tray o Pots

Small Tray o Pots
Originally uploaded by jmnpottery
These are the perfect size for desks :D
I have quite a few of these on mine, hiding my stash of chocolate :D

Monday, January 21, 2008

Yellow and Black Scale Mug

Yellow and Black Scale Mug
Originally uploaded by jmnpottery
I love this new design! Check'em out at

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Studio, a work in progress.

I get to paint this weekend!! Woot me! I have no idea what color......... Ive been trying to choose for about 6 months.
The floor is going to get painted (its naked concrete right now :/ ) witch is a huge pain in the ass to clean. The people who owned the house before us, painted the basement pink, white and blue. The pink makes me want to puke :P

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

My Peeps!

My Peeps!
Originally uploaded by jmnpottery
Me,my momma,my little brother,my lil sis and my lil boy :D
My hubby is missing, he took the photo.

Awwwwwww jeez! Catnip hang~over!

How cute is this kitty?